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Why It Is Important To Have A Portfolio Tracker?

Stock traders and investors employ strong tools to watch the success of their portfolios on a regular basis, as stock portfolio tracker are complex computer software that analyzes the price fluctuations of each asset in the portfolio.

A stock portfolio tracker can also assist you in reconciling disparities between your long-term goals including Premarket Stock Trading and your portfolio’s performance relative to the market. Because there are numerous obstacles to overcome as a novice trader on the scene, you must select how to build your portfolio with the appropriate financial instruments.

However, becoming the winner requires a lot of research and poring over charts, graphs, and statistics, but you can discover various resources beneficial in a stock portfolio tracker. We will cover the significance of using a stock portfolio tracker to manage your investments and keep track of your finances in this article.

What Is A Portfolio Tracker?

A portfolio is a collection of investments that can contain stocks, bonds, indexes, currencies, options, or any combination of these. A portfolio tracker, on the other hand, is a great resource for accessing the performance of your assets in terms of asset allocation, as well as a spot where you can constantly review your asset allocation and Buy Fractional Shares.

A portfolio tracker can be accessible in numerous ways, including a user-friendly interface, the amount of assets you can track in your portfolio, and the speed with which the tracker loads and updates.

Furthermore, a portfolio tracker is a terrific method to remain on top of your investments because it allows you to observe how your assets are performing and make changes as needed. However, there are other ways to track your portfolio, including using a spreadsheet or an internet application to obtain the most precise data and begin tracking your investments.

Benefits of Having a Portfolio Tracker

There are numerous advantages to using a portfolio tracker, however some elements that are essential in a portfolio tracker are:

1. It provides in-depth data analytics

We live in the age of big data, with more data points than we could ever fathom, but what good is a pile of data if we can’t evaluate it and draw relevant conclusions?

Data analytics, which is the systematic computational examination of information to identify significant patterns, is the solution to this problem, and so a portfolio tracking program can ingest enormous volumes of data, usually automatically, and evaluate it swiftly.

Thus, a portfolio tracker may detect trends and critical performance indicators that we would never notice with our eyes alone, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.

A portfolio tracker provides vital insights to help you decrease risk and make smarter investing decisions, and you may use this information to rebalance your portfolio for improved performance and rewards.

Using a portfolio tracker, you can gain insight into a specific portfolio, highlighting strengths and flaws that may not be apparent at first glance.

2. It provides instant forecasts through prediction algorithms

Algorithms are a set of mathematical principles that aid in the processing of information in order to solve a specific problem, and these algorithms attempt to predict what will happen next in the market.

A basic example is a trend line prediction based on historical data or the future performance of a theoretical portfolio, in which the program uses a database of information to provide us with an educated guess about the future.

You can compute these things by hand or create your own Excel spreadsheet, but it takes a long time and raises the chance of human mistake. As a result, portfolio tracking software eliminates this issue and automatically ingests data.

A portfolio tracker’s market forecasts can be an important element of your investment decision-making process, as you can quickly and readily view forecasts and predictions and utilize this knowledge to make smarter trading decisions.

3. It offers centralized performance monitoring

A portfolio tracker offers a centralized strategy that consolidates all of your investment data into one location, allowing for real-time performance monitoring and analysis.

Again, you can accomplish this manually using spreadsheets or even on paper, but it has some significant flaws because human error is unavoidable when inputting data by hand. A centralized system also automatically ingests and tracks data, making things more organized and saving you time.

Furthermore, unified performance monitoring provides a big-picture overview of your whole portfolio, allowing you to make decisions that would be impossible to make otherwise.

Furthermore, by seeing everything that is going on in one spot, you can plan out your whole investing strategy and put more money in your pocket.

4. It provides powerful automation

Consider your life if you had a dedicated money manager that inputted data, tracked dividend payments, generated reports, and did every mundane financial activity that you would rather avoid.

However, hiring a professional account manager is not viable, therefore a portfolio tracker comes into play, which gathers, analyzes, and sorts information for you. Man portfolio tracker can also generate reports for financial analysis or tax purposes, consequently, you won’t need to spend hours manually tallying your financial accounts because you may get all the information you require with only a few clicks.

Furthermore, a competent portfolio tracker can automatically ingest, sort, and analyze data, saving you countless hours and improving accuracy. And higher efficiency and accuracy translate into more market profit and a lower likelihood of an IRS audit anytime soon.

5. It monitors real-time data

A good portfolio tracker can sync all of your investment accounts and manage your portfolio from a simple dashboard with real-time data access.

Some portfolio trackers, however, provide additional features such as backtesting, which allows you to examine how your portfolio would have done if you had used an alternative asset allocation. Furthermore, several portfolio trackers provide a key feature for monitoring your risk levels and assessing whether your portfolio is over- or under-exposed to a specific investment or sector.


A free online portfolio tracker, which offers practically all of the information you may desire about your investments in one spot, makes portfolio management easier. Many of these portfolio trackers also feature a mobile app that allows you to track your investments on iOS and Android devices. The ideal portfolio tracker, on the other hand, is one that is convenient, has an easy-to-use interface, and allows you to make asset allocation decisions.


1.  What Is the Most Effective Way to Manage Your Portfolio?

Using a software application (app) to monitor your investing portfolio can be beneficial. Your 401(k), trading accounts, and banking information may all be synced and downloaded by portfolio management software.

2.  Are the majority of Portfolio Tracker Apps free?

The majority of portfolio trackers provide both a free and a premium version of their program. The free app often has a number of functions, but individuals with many investments may choose a fee-based software that includes comprehensive reporting, real-time data, and tax information.

3.  What Features Should a Portfolio Tracker Have?

Although each investor’s financial objectives are unique, significant features to look for include a free version of the app to test it out, the option to sync all of your financial accounts, and a retirement planning tool that incorporates your 401(k) and IRAs.