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How to Make Money from a Swap in Forex Trading?

The Swap in Forex, also known as the Forex rollover rate, is one of the least understood concepts in forex trading, and it’s critical to grasp how the forex swap works since it can affect your prospective profits either positively or adversely and Avoid Forex Slippage.

Your trading strategy and money management can be set up to account for all trading fees if you have a thorough understanding of the swap in forex. In this essay, we will go over everything you need to know about Forex swapping.

What is Swap in Forex?

The swap in Forex, also known as the forex rollover rate, is a sort of interest imposed on overnight positions held on the forex market, and a comparable swap is also charged on Contracts for Difference (CFDs). The forex swap is applied to the nominal value of an open trading position overnight, and the swap value can be negative or positive based on the swap rate and the position taken on the Trade or Use of Automated Forex Trading Software.

In other words, you will either pay a price or be paid a fee for keeping your position overnight. When trading on leverage, swap rates are also levied. This is because when you start a leveraged position, you are essentially borrowing cash to open the position.

However, when you open a position in the forex market, you are effectively making two trades: buying one currency in the pair and selling the other. Additionally, when you borrow money to buy a currency, you essentially borrow the same amount when you sell one of the currencies, incurring interest charges on the amount borrowed while the currency you buy gains interest.

So, if the underlying interest rate for the purchased currency is higher than the underlying interest rate for the currency you are selling, you may receive income for holding the position overnight. However, due to other factors such as a broker’s markup, it is likely that you may be paid interest regardless of the position created.

When Swap in Forex are charged?

Your broker will decide when exactly the swap will be charged to your trading account, however most firms do so around midnight, most frequently between 23:00 and 0:00 server time.

However, it is not always clear whether a swap will be charged for holding a position over the weekend, even if the position is not held during the weekend. As a result, to compensate for the fact that markets are closed on weekends, the weekend swap is charged on either Fridays or Wednesdays, depending on the market.

Types of Swaps in Forex

There are three main types of swaps in Forex, and these are:

1. Forex Swap

A Forex Swap is a formal arrangement between two parties to exchange their currencies for a specific term and then re-exchange them at a later date as a hedging mechanism against potential changes in currency exchange rates. Forex swaps are often utilized by market participants who are significantly exposed to currency fluctuation risks. By utilizing swaps, they can ensure that they will receive a predetermined amount of currency at a future date.

2. Cross-Currency Swap

A cross-currency swap is a sort of arrangement between two parties in which they exchange not only currencies but also interest payments, with the goal of mitigating the risks associated with changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates. Cross-currency swaps are typically employed by multinational organizations and financial institutions to mitigate possible losses caused by currency rate volatility.

3. Currency Interest Rate Swap on Forex

A currency interest rate swap on Forex is a contract between two parties that allows them to exchange cash flows based on two different currencies, each with a different interest rate. In most cases, this swap entails swapping fixed-rate interest payments in one currency for floating-rate interest payments in another. It entails that the parties agree on the sum, the currencies involved, the fixed and floating interest rates, as well as the dates on which the interest payments will be paid. At a specified date, the parties exchange the cash flows in accordance with the terms they have agreed upon.

Making Money From A Swap in Forex Trading

With Forex Swaps, two outcomes are possible. Based on the rate differential between the currencies, you can either get or pay a swap. As an example, if your currency has a higher interest rate than the currency you are trading against, you will earn a positive swap; if the interest difference favors the other currency, you will have to pay a negative swap.

Swaps in Forex, on the other hand, can be a potential source of additional revenue, but it’s crucial to remember that the amount gained or paid on a swap is substantially smaller when compared to the total potential profits or losses of a trade.

1. Carry Trade

A carry trade is a well-known forex trading technique that includes borrowing a currency with a low yield and investing in a currency with a high yield to profit from the difference in interest rates. And, by using swaps in carry trade, you can increase your returns and increase your prospective earnings.

2. Swap and Fly

Swap and fly is another trading strategy that allows traders to improve their potential profits by exploiting the interest rate differential between the base and quoted currencies. It suggests that a trader will go long on a higher-interest-rate currency and short on a lower-interest-rate currency.

Consider the USD/CAD pair, where the current interest rate on USD is 5% and the current interest rate on CAD is 4.5%. The trader would go long on USD/CAD to profit from the interest rate differential, and if he purchases one lot of this currency pair, he will gain USD interest while paying CAD interest overnight. Because the interest rate in USD is higher than the interest rate in CAD, the trader can earn a positive swap rate.


A swap in Forex is the interest cost levied or collected on open positions maintained overnight, which can be positive or negative based on the interest rate differential between the currencies being exchanged. Swap costs in Forex can be employed in conjunction with a variety of trading methods, including carry trading, swap and fly, futures trading, and others. Traders who want to use Forex swap rates should keep in mind that this product has the ability to generate earnings. However, as with anything in trading, it carries specific dangers that should be reviewed and considered when establishing a trading and risk management plan.


1.  How is the swap in forex calculated?

The swap is calculated based on the interest rate differential between the two currencies, the size of your position, and the length of time you hold the position. Most trading platforms provide a swap calculator to estimate the swap for various currency pairs and positions.

2.  Is the swap the same for all currency pairs?

No, swap rates vary between currency pairs due to differences in the interest rates set by the respective central banks. Some currency pairs may offer a positive swap on one broker’s platform and a negative swap on another.

3.  Can swaps affect my trading strategy?

Yes, swaps can impact your trading strategy. Traders who hold positions for the long term might consider swap rates in their decision-making process, as these rates can contribute to profits or losses over time.

4.  How frequently are swaps charged or credited?

Swaps are typically charged or credited at the end of the trading day, around 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), also known as the rollover time. However, this timing can vary slightly depending on the broker and the specific platform being used.

5.  Can swaps be both positive and negative?

Yes, swaps can be either positive or negative. A positive swap means you will earn interest on the position you hold, while a negative swap means you’ll have to pay interest.