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Currency carry trade

How To Gain From Currency Carry Trading in Forex?

Carry trade allows an investor to profit from both the interest rate spread and a favorable price movement in the currency, as the essence of this trading strategy is to buy the currency of a low-interest-rate country and invest in assets with a higher return on investment or currencies by Avoiding Forex Slippage.

However, because most carry trade positions are taken primarily on the width of the interest rate spread, the direction of the currency pair is sometimes a secondary issue. In this post, we will look at how a carry trade works in forex and some carry trading tactics that you can Use Automated Forex Trading Software.

What is Carry Trading?

Carry trading is an investment strategy in which investors sell or borrow assets at a lower interest rate in order to buy another asset with a higher interest rate, and profits are made from the difference in interest rates on selling the higher rate of interest-yielding assets, which are mostly in the foreign exchange market.

However, currency carry trade carries significant risks for investors, thus only wealthy individuals can employ this method, as it poses a risk when the purchased assets’ prices fall precipitously. Furthermore, when the currency of the sold or borrowed item differs from the currency of the bought asset, the perceived exchange risk sneaks into the currency utilized in the trade, which never hedges out higher costs or neutralizes benefits.

How Does A Currency Carry Trade Work?

Currency carry trading is described as keeping one’s forex trade for a day because one currency has higher interest rates than another in order to profit from the interest rate difference between the two currencies. Simply put, it means that one buys high-interest currency rather than low-interest currency because the second currency has a higher interest rate. The funds could, however, be invested in assets with a secondary monetary value, such as stocks, commodities, or real estate.

Furthermore, as long as the trade is held, the broker calculates the appropriate profit based on the interest rate difference, but the payment will only occur if the trade is held in the direction of an interest-positive trend.

As a result, a carry trade works by borrowing one currency with a low-interest rate, such as the US dollar, and using the number of borrows to buy another currency with a high interest rate, such as the Japanese yen. This approach allows one to pay a lesser interest rate on the borrowed currency, the US dollar, while concurrently collecting a greater interest rate on the other currency, the Yen. And the profit is the difference between these two currency values.

Finding The Good Carry Trade Pairs

When looking for viable currency pairs for a forex carry trade, we must consider a number of criteria to ensure that the trade has the best possible possibility of success. And, even before considering the differentials in the rate of interest ratios, you should assess the financial health of the countries for whom you intend to enter the carry trade.

However, the largest differentials can come from exotic pairs, but the highest risk also comes from these pairs due to financial uncertainties and the less-than-stellar creditworthiness of some of the countries. As a result, when doing currency carry trades, it is best to adhere to the major and minor pairs for the most part.

Furthermore, you should analyze interest rate differentials among currency pairs that have passed the test in terms of countries with stable economies, and you can discover resources online to find the highest-yielding currency pairs. This data can also be obtained via your broker platform, however, it is preferable to find an impartial source from which to obtain it.

Forex Currency Carry Trade Strategies

The carry trade strategy is more appropriate for long-term investors with trading time horizons measured in months or years, even if any trade with a positive carry position will result in some income. To get started, here are some of the best carry trading tactics.

1. Buy and Hold Carry Trading Strategy

The first form of strategy that you can deploy around a carry trade is the buy-and-hold currency carry trade strategy, and when you have done your study on the economic viability of the countries, you are ready to select the currency pair that fulfills your criteria. With the purchase and hold technique, you simply buy the chosen positive carry pair and hold it for a set amount of time, which could be three months, six months, a year, or more.

2. Basket Buying Carry Strategy

Diversification is frequently the finest hedge against bad events that could do significant damage to your bottom line in the basket buying carry trading method, and it is certainly no different in trading. Diversification over a basket of positions will often generate a smoother equity curve and an ideal return-to-drawdown ratio, so you can buy a basket or portfolio of carry trade positions utilizing this principle.

Furthermore, any negative price movements will have just a minor impact on our overall portfolio, which is how professional banks and hedge funds operate their carry trade methods.

3. Carry Trading with Technicals

Technical traders can also gain from the carry trade because most technical traders have a shorter time horizon, with open positions lasting days or weeks. So, how can a technical trader profit from carry trade? Let’s get this straight right away.

One thing to keep in mind about the carry trade is that when the interest rate differential on a pair expands, longer-term traders enter the market to profit from the interest spread. And, when more major investors enter the trade, demand for the currency rises, driving the currency’s price higher, and so the large interest rate differential attracts additional institutional demand, driving prices higher as well. So, a technical trader can enter these trades using a trend-following strategy and wait for pullbacks and dips to enter and add positions when prices are moving in their favor.


Forex carry trading is not for the extremely short-term trader, but rather for the long-term trader, as it provides a dual benefit to the trader in terms of earning interest income as well as potential upside on price appreciation. However, currency carry trade has its own set of hazards that should be mitigated by employing solid position sizing and money management procedures.


1.  What are the Risks Associated with Currency Carry Trades?

Currency carry trades involve various risks, including exchange rate fluctuations, economic factors, geopolitical events, and changes in interest rates. If the exchange rate between the two currencies moves against the trader, it can offset or even exceed the interest rate differential, resulting in potential losses.

2.  How do Exchange Rate Movements Impact Carry Trades?

Exchange rate movements play a crucial role in carrying trades. If the target currency depreciates against the funding currency, potential profits can be eroded or even turn into losses. Traders need to monitor currency trends closely to mitigate this risk.

3.  What Factors Determine the Success of a Carry Trade?

The success of a carry trade depends on interest rate differentials, stability of the target and funding currencies’ economies, central bank policies, market sentiment, and global economic conditions. A favorable combination of these factors can contribute to a successful carry trade.

4.  Are Carry Trades Suitable for All Traders?

Carry trades are not suitable for all traders, especially those who are risk-averse or have a short-term trading horizon. These trades require a longer-term perspective, as profits are generated over time through interest differentials.

5.  How Can Traders Manage Risks in Carry Trades?

To manage risks, traders can use techniques such as setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses, diversifying their portfolio to reduce concentration risk, and staying informed about economic and geopolitical developments that could impact exchange rates.