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What Is US Treasury Index And How It Works?

The US treasury index is an index that reflects recent auctions of actively traded US government securities and is often used as a benchmark by lenders when establishing interest rates.

This article will explain how the US Treasury index works and the many types of US Treasury indexes including different types of bonds.

What Is The US Treasury Index?

The term treasury index” refers to the numerous indices based on auctions of US treasury securities such as treasury bills, treasury notes, and treasury bonds. The yields of bond ratings chart on five and ten-year treasury securities are two examples of US treasury indices. The treasury index is also used as a benchmark for interest rates on various loan products, such as mortgages and commercial financing, and these indexes are constructed and published by various financial companies such as Vanguard, Fidelity, and others, and they serve as the foundation for treasury mutual funds issued by these providers.

For example, the SBA 504 loan program includes interest rates tied to five-year and ten-year US Treasury bills, and the final interest rate is often established by utilizing the index as a base rate plus a set margin.

Understanding Treasury Indexes

A treasury index is based on recent auctions of US treasury bills, and it is occasionally based on the daily yield curve of the US treasury. There are other treasury indexes, but the most widely used index is generated from the yields on five and ten-year treasury notes and futures contracts.

The weighted average prices of five-year, ten-year, and bond futures contracts are likely to constitute the components of a treasury index. Because the parts have varying investment time frames, each weighting is modified to ensure that the index contributes equally.

A treasury index is used by lenders to establish mortgage rates for mortgages with an unfixed component, and it is also utilized as a performance benchmark for capital market investors because it provides a rate of return that investors may obtain from nearly any bank with minimal effort. The calculations of treasury indexes and their components, on the other hand, differ depending on the financial institution producing the index.

Working of Treasury Index

To raise income for public services and to pay national debt interest, the US government issues debt instruments like as treasury notes and treasury bonds, and the treasury index is based on recent auctions of these US treasury securities.

However, the prices and yields on these US treasuries have an inverse relationship: as prices rise, the yield falls, and when prices fall, the yield rises.

The 10-year treasury note, which falls in the middle of the yield curve, is a leading sign of investor confidence. The yield curve rates are updated every day on the Treasury’s interest rate webpages.

Furthermore, greater long-term Treasury rates indicate a positive forecast for the future economic state, and investors who believe they can manage more risk can make higher-yielding investments. When returns are low, prices rise because there is more demand for government securities, which are considered safer assets.

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Interest Rates and The US Treasury Index

Lenders use the treasury index as a benchmark when calculating interest rates on some loans, and they often charge a base rate plus a set margin based on the treasury index. This allows lenders to adjust the additional margin or markup in order to boost their pay, as they would otherwise invest in risk-free treasury securities.

Furthermore, while the interest rate on a five-year consumer loan may be based on the current rate on five-year US treasuries, lenders employ a treasury index that is comparable to the maturity on the loan they are offering.

Furthermore, treasury indices influence housing markets since interest rates on adjustable-rate mortgages might alter annually; as a result, mortgage lenders utilize rates on one-year constant maturity treasury securities as a benchmark for calculating interest rates.

Types of US Treasury Index

There are several types of treasury indices, and some of them are:

1. Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

The Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rate is also known as Constant Maturity Treasury rates since it is calculated using the closing market bid yields on actively traded Treasury securities in the over-the-counter market. Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates are calculated using maturities ranging from six months to thirty years.

2. Daily Treasury Real Yield Curve Rates

The Daily Treasury Real Yield Curve Rates, also known as real constant maturity treasury rates, indicate the real yields on inflation-protected government securities with fixed maturities of five, seven, ten, twenty, and thirty years. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s secondary market quotations are used in the Daily Treasury Real Yield Curve Rates.

3. Daily Treasury Bill Rates

The most recent new treasury notes that were auctioned off have maturities ranging from four to eight weeks, 13 to 26 weeks, and 52 weeks. The Daily Treasury Bill Rates aggregates the daily secondary market prices on these bills.

4. Daily Treasury Long-Term Average Rates

The Daily Treasury Long-Term Average Rates index has developed over time to reflect contemporaneous changes in the eligible long-term bond market, and it now measures a constant maturity rate of 30 years. In prior years, the index provided a 20-year constant maturity with an extrapolation factor to estimate a theoretical 30-year rate, which substituted the average of bid rates on outstanding fixed coupon securities with 25 years or more till maturity.


The US treasury index is regarded as the safest investment because it may be possible to avoid paying state and local taxes on the income from treasury securities and because the US government is quite likely to repay its bonds despite a recession, inflation, or war.


1.  What is the US Treasury Index, and how is it calculated?

The US Treasury Index is a benchmark that gauges the performance of various maturities of US Treasury securities. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds issued by the US government are included. The index is computed using a market-weighted methodology, with each security’s weight determined by its outstanding market value.

2.  What is the significance of the US Treasury Index?

The US Treasury Index is an important indicator of the overall health and attitude of the US Treasury market. Investors and financial professionals use it to analyze the performance of US government debt, analyse market trends, and compare the returns of their own fixed-income portfolios.

3.  What is the difference between the US Treasury Index and other bond indices?

While there are several bond indexes available, the Treasury Index is the only one that focuses solely on US government debt, namely Treasuries. Other bond indexes may contain a broader range of bonds, such as corporate bonds or municipal bonds, providing a distinct perspective on the bond market as a whole.

4.  Is the US Treasury Index affected by interest rate changes?

Yes, the US Treasury Index is susceptible to interest rate movements. When interest rates rise, the prices of current fixed-rate bonds fall, resulting in reduced index returns. When interest rates fall, bond prices tend to climb, resulting in better index returns.

5.  Can individual investors invest directly in the US Treasury Index?

The US Treasury Index is not a marketable investment instrument in and of itself. Investors can obtain exposure to this index, however, by purchasing mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track its performance. These funds seek to mimic the index’s results by investing in a portfolio of US Treasury securities that is similar to that of the index.